Work Experience

02- Today:

GenSpring Family Offices. –Senior Vice President.              Miami - USA.

Develop and maintain investment wealth advisory relationships with affluent individuals and families from Latin America and Southern Europe.

- Analyze, advise and implement different wealth solutions for the clients.

- Provide multi-family office solutions regarding:

- Global Financial and Investment Consultant

- Risk Management

- Offshore Accounts and Legal Structures

- Tax and Fiscal Consultancy

- Family Generational Planning

- Family Governance

- family wealth education and mentoring

98- 02:Lloyds TSB Bank plc. Miami - Account Executive.-. Miami - USA.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Miami - EE.UU.

Responsible for maintaining and building offshore private banking relationships from Spanish and Colombian
high Net Worth individuals. USD 110 MM of assets under portfolio management. Duties include:

- Developed and established commercial relationships with new and existing clients.
- Created and implemented investment strategies based on client investment profiles.
- Worked with traditional private and commercial banking investment products and credit facilities
- Oversaw day-to-day account management activities.
Widely surpassed 2001 Assets and Income objectives.

99-00: Lloyds TSB Bank plc. Miami -Banking Officer-.                                                                                       Miami - USA.
Primary Account Executive for the Colombian and Spanish Private and Corporate Banking portfolios. Targets were
accomplished by 180%.

98-99: Lloyds TSB Bank plc. Miami - International Banking Assistant-.                                           Guayaquil - Ecuador.
In charge of Guayaquil Private Banking and Corporate clients, and Secondary Account Executive of Ecuador. During
this period, total assets and income were doubled.

98 : Banco Español de Crédito, S.A. (BANESTO) - Risk Analyst-.                                                            Madrid – Spain.
Risk Analysis Center-C.A.R.- Analysis of the viability of commercial transactions, in charge of 37 branches.



97 : ? EBSi Madrid (European Business School International).                                                                    Madrid – Spain.
      Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration. Specialized in Finances.
  -  Ecole Européenne de Gestion (EBS Paris).                                                                                             París – France
  -  Regent´s College (EBS London).                                                                                                                   London - UK


  - ENGLISH: Fluent: twelve years living in USA. Cambridge Advanced Certificate
  - FRENCH : Fluent: Studies and training periods in France
  - SPANISH : Mother language

                                                                                            Other Information   

  - COMPUTER SKILLS: Microsoft Office, Windows environment.
  - RELEVANT COURSES: SERIES 7 (2000) for Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and commodities Brokerage.
  - SEMINARS: Several seminars on Stock Market, Business Administration, Offshore Structures and Risk
©Pacifico Risk and Investment Consultants, S.L. | 2010